After months of work, the immensely popular Master Cleanse Coach iPhone App was released for Android phones 21 Feb 2012!
The iPhone App has sold more than 5,000 copies in 50 countries and now I’m extending my ability to answer people’s questions by bringing the Master Cleanse Coach to the Android phone market with more than 300 million Android devices currently in use worldwide and 6 million more activated each week.

Master Cleanse Coach showing graphs, instant answers and before and after pics

Just as on the iPhone, the Android Master Cleanse Coach App includes Quick Start instructions; instant answers to the most common questions; a link to order books and supplies; a daily journal with comments that can post to Facebook or Twitter; graphs of Weight, Waist, Energy & Happiness; before and after pictures and the ability to share journals with friends via email.
Click here to get more information or purchase the Master Cleanse Coach App for Android.